Cradle With Sleeping Girl, Staffordshire, England, circa.1820
A charming, unusually large, well modelled and finely decorated cradle made open, without the hood. For an older girl who is asleep, her embroidered initials with tassels either side of her head on the pillow. Basket weave texture to the cradle with small, reserved rockers. As a larger scale “cradle with sleeping child”, the modelling and painting is exquisite.
The cradle has an interesting, probably unintentional rattle. When being perforated for the kiln breathing hole underneath the base, the plug of clay was accidentally pushed inside. This hole was pierced underneath to let any moisture and gasses escape during the pre-heat and long firing, which has left the cradle with a pleasing tinkling rattle!
Early 19th century
8” L x 3.25” H x 2.75” W o/a approx.
Fine condition completely free of restoration, only minor wear commensurate with age.
£575 $709-USD
Reference – Staffordshire Figures Volume 4 (Page 24, Figure 143.2 is nearest to our cradle here), Myrna Schkolne
Ref Number: 220503D
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