“The Parable of the Lost Coin”, Staffordshire, England, Early 19th C.
Here is a rare and superb figure of the woman from Nazareth excitedly holding up ‘The Lost Coin Found’, based on a parable from the Bible (Luke 15:8-10).
In Israel at this period in history, women who were about to be married would receive ten coins from their husband-to-be. Each piece held sentimental as well as monetary value, so the loss of even one of these was very upsetting. The woman would have felt the loss keenly, and been willing to go to great lengths to find it. Having lost one of these precious coins, the woman searches for it everywhere and it says in the Bible that finally, working by a lamp, she sweeps the house from top to bottom and eventually finds the coin and is hugely relieved and thankful to God.
The distinctive banner on the back of the base is impressed “Walton”. This figure has also occasionally been associated with “The Parable of the Lost Sheep”, but not necessarily paired at manufacture.
Early 19th Century, John Walton (active circa. 1806-1835)
8” H x 5.5” W O/A approx.
In excellent condition, with some professional restoration to the arm holding the coin.
£475 $604-USD
Reference – With thanks to Myrna Schkolne – Staffordshire Figures Volume 2 (Page 206, Figure 96.11), published by Schiffer
Ref Number: 426001A
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